Friday, December 5, 2008

The Learning Curve

My job entails training teachers on various matters throughout the school year. There are times that I feel I'm just one step ahead of them, or behind in some instances. This is one of those times. I know there are teachers who have been using blogs in their classrooms for a couple of years and I have assisted with some of those. But this is my first venture out into the blogworld of my own blog. I've debated doing one for awhile, but I haven't really sat down to decide on what direction I wanted to head in. Now I have a reason. As a group we haved decided that each of us needs to do this for our schools. Sometimes it takes a kick in the rear from someone else to actually make you learn something new.

I'm sure I feel like some of my teachers with this. I'm thrilled to be learning something new and applying that knowledge. But I'm also fearful that I won't do something right or that I won't have the time to do it, or I won't know what to write about.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that I don't have all the answers, I don't know all there is about technology, and I am constantly learning new things. Just like teachers in the classroom I do feel overwhelmed at times with all the things that we are required to do and learn. This blog is my attempt at applying a tool for educators in hopes that they will see the benefits.

I look forward to sharing the knowledge that I learn, because as a teacher I know that we must beg, borrow and steal at times.

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